Thursday, September 21, 2006

Finally an excuse to purchase big time music

Yes, the blogging drought is temporarily over. Summer's over and so is my vacation. I'm back at the computer daily, so I should be able to type a few thoughts here and there.

I love buying music. The chew_daddy discourages it. Now, I'm not talking about buying Kat's CD at her concert; but rather, for example, the new Kasey Chambers CD that I just got and love! Anyway, out of respect for dumping my sugar daddy's hard earned goods in a way he dislikes, I resist as much as possible. I'll be happy to go on about this respecting one another thing later, but this really isn't my point.

My point is that I finally have an excuse. Thanks to Richard Branson's commitment to give billions of his profit to fight global warming, I can have less guilt if buying from his company Virgin. I realize my logic can be picked apart here, but the point is "feeling" less guilty about the purchase...just try to argue with my fragile female emotions!

1 comment:

chewie said...

All I ask is that you don't buy any music from an RIAA member

And I'll let it slip a time or two, but it's your conscience!