Monday, February 13, 2006

It only took 8 years

So 8 years after transitioning from the trunk rack to the roof rack, I finally ran my bike into garage. My brother's done it and you here lots of people say they've done, but I'm so careful about my bikes that I never really thought I'd forget they were up there.

The story:
I'm pulling into the garage and I hear a crunch. Of course I immediately recall that my bike was up there. I look up through the sunroof and think, huh, maybe it's not so bad, the front wheel is up against the door. I back up and I watch my bike fall to the side and dangle by the wheels...maybe it is bad! hmmm...maybe I can buy a new bike! Mind you lil-M is in the car.

I hop out to inspect. The arm that holds the downtube slipped completely off, but the straps were still on the two tires. I look inside, looks like M is falling asleep, so I actually have a minute or two to fix my problem. I go to take my bike off and the back wheel comes free. It's a bit difficult because I'm holding the bike sideways while undoing the straps. On to the front wheel. This one is totally jammed. Now I'm really stuck. The rack is mangled, so I can't put the bike back in, I can't easily let it go unless I want it to dangle against the car by the front rim. Oh yeah, the car is partially into the garage, so I'd have to let go to move it to close the door and not let all the freezing air into the house.

At this point I need help. I call all my neighbors and of course no one answers. Fortunately big-m is on his way home and lil-M was sleeping by now. Big-M to the rescue. We separated the wheel from the bike so we could move the car into the garage. Then with some pliers were able to free the front wheel as well.

The net was amazingly good:
The car is fine.
The crossbars are fine.
The tray (that the bike sits in) is a mess, but the other rack parts are salvageable.
My bike appears to be okay, worst case is I'm looking at a new front wheel.
Lil-M slept through it all.
And my gracious husband has been way kind about (much nicer than I would have been to him) and hasn't harassed me at all!


Joel said...

It is good to see you posting again. Unfotunately this is not the best news but it sounds like it turned out mostly ok. That is why I don't have a garage or a roof rack for that matter. Yeah that's my story and I'm sticking to it. :)

Nastanis said...

Highly recommend both, despite the occassional mishap!

Jilian said...

Oh no!!! Sad story!! I feel your pain - my roof rack ate my bike too!

I've heard - if you leave the house with your bike on the roof - you should throw the garage door opener in the back seat - that way when you get back it makes you think... apparently you aren't the first to do this!

Nastanis said...

The remote thing is not a bad idea. I think the key is to take the bike off as soon as you get home. I came home, left the bike on, then went back out. It was the second time back that bit me.

ML said...

8 years, that is pretty good. Glad the hubby was gracious, that sometimes makes all the difference in the world. You already know you screwed up, no use having someone else point it out.