Thursday, April 27, 2006

Should wine seal the deal?

Last night was a great wine tasting at the university club, sponsored by vintage cellar. The stats: 7 importers, each with 9-10 wines. I made it through 5.5 importes before the time ran out. I believe nji tasted every one! Comparing Italy to France last night, I'm partial to the Italian wines. Although they were all quite good, and I certaintly didn't spit any out like those too-good-to-swallow tasters. (I know, given my entertaining demeaner last night, maybe I should have.)

So, the question is, should we make travel decisions based on wine preferences?

1 comment:

Jilian said...

why not ;)

I pick stocks based on nascar drivers :) haha Ok I know it's not the same - but kinda.