Thursday, October 09, 2008

Calling montgomery county residents...

I presume many of you are aware of this problem, but still might not hurt to send Randall Wertz an email or phone call.

I heard an NPR piece on this regarding ODU a few months back and this is the first VT related case I've seen. In a nutshell, the montgomery county registrar (and all local VA registrars) has been granted the power, due to vague state government language, to decide who is qualified as a resident to vote. Randall Wertz, the registrar, is purposely scaring away VT students so that they are unable to register to vote in Blacksburg. This clearly hurts Obama, but even if you are a McCain supporter it should be a bit appalling that VA is going against the spirit of a supreme court ruling in which students were granted the right to vote where they attend school. I can only presume that Wertz is in bed with the hedgepath cronies and is getting a high off this power because if VT students could vote in local elections, their good-old boy network would fall to pieces. Anyway, here a short blog about it...easy read. Seriously, at least send an email to Wertz telling him your a resident and think it tatics are a poor representation of the county and perpetuating the boss-hog style government that city slickers assume goes on in rural areas.

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