Thursday, September 11, 2008


The combination of September 11 and Elections has caused me mixed feelings. The 9-11 memorials on the radio today generate the need to love our fellow Americans (and people in general for that matter). In contrast the ridiculousness of the campaigning has me pissed at the stupidity of Americans. I'm appalled at the obsession over Sarah Palin. Seriously, I'm embarrassed to be a female these days. How can the same women who hate Hilary be in love with this hoochie mama. The obvious answer is that the suburban-mom identifies with these women think they themselves could do a good job as VP?

What's with this logic of identification with our president? It worked for GW, he's just as ignorant as the majority of the country. Personally, I'd rather have someone smarter than most people as our leader. Because someone is smarter than most americans does not imply that they can't understand the problems to be addressed. The real problem is the lack of rational decision-making from the masses that the campaigns so effectively cater to. Last night a commentator suggested that in the debates Obama needed to tone done his orator style of speech to sound more like the general stupid american. Again, I appreciate that he can speak better than me! When he speaks with leaders from other countries, I prefer he be intelligent and sound that way than sound like the average american. Look how well that strategy worked for GW...wait he doesn't talk to other countries, just bombs them.

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